Antonio Castro
Strategy Advisor
20 years of experience as a consultant, manager and trainer and for the last 12 years, combining the 3 functions at the same time, in which I have collaborated with more than 70 clients, from large multinationals with subsidiaries in Spain to medium and small Spanish companies.
I bring my experience to lead or help the General Management in all areas of management and Commercial Strategy, either as a consultant, trainer or in Interim Management tasks.
I help to analyze, design or implement Business Models; the strategy, positioning, policies and commercial offer; market segmentation; the Distribution Network Model; adapt the assortment to a strategy by category; structure the organization and establish processes and commercial operations aligned to the objectives of the companies.
Some of the sectors and companies I have collaborated with are FMCG (Danone, Kellogg's, Unilever and Johnson Wax), Retail (Media Markt, Miquel Alimentació - GM Cash, Fnac, GS Autobat), Sports and Fashion (New Balance), Food (Lactalis, Arias, Bonduelle, Marfrío), Beverages (Gonzalez Byass, Mahou - San Miguel, Pernod Ricard), Ceramics and Building Materials (Navarti, Alaplana, Compac), Pharmaceuticals (Unnefar, Cofano, Cofaga, Cofarle and Johnson Wax), Cofaga, Cofarle and Pharmaceutical Associations), in Industrial companies (Finsa, Levantina, Reig Martí, Projar), Services and Technology companies (TLR Soft, IESIDE Business School, Secopsa, La Manga Club, Colabora), Purchasing and Services Centers (Giro180, Grupo G5, Ancofe), in the creation of new business projects (Giro180, Galifutbol, Prevepharma) and in tutoring new entrepreneurs in their Business Models.
During all these years I have been an active member and director of different business associations such as AJE and Asecode (Sports Retail Sector) and I have actively participated in the creation of G5, Central de Negocios del sector de retail deportivo, which brings together 5 purchasing centers and 400 stores in the sector.